SAHA | Postponing of october bod meeting
Due to the current circumstances, the BOD has decided to postpone this month’s meeting until next week, the 25th at 7:00 pm. Respectfully, BOD
SAHA Gate update during Nakia Creek Fire
We wanted to give some clarifying information regarding SAHA Gates 1, 2 and 3 while the Nakia Creek Fire is a potential danger to the neighborhood. The BOD has discussed the current situation with the Gate Committee (George Kinsey, Eric Johanson and Bob...
SAHA | ACC Meeting, June 20th, 7:00 pm
This meeting will go over the plans to make repairs and enhance the appearance of the deck on Lot 5 / Phase 2. A vote on the plans will follow the discussion. This meeting will be held via Google Meets and the link is provided below. ACC MeetingMonday, June 20 · 7:00...
SAHA | ACC Meeting – may 16th – 7:00 pm
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