Greetings SAHA Residents 

As our Spring/Summer “monsoon” season draws to a close (we hope!), it is time again to remove weed and grass vegetation from SAHA’s roadsides.  A report in the last SAHA board meeting confirmed that, again this year, SAHA would NOT be providing roadside weed spraying. This leaves the responsibility for roadside weed/grass removal with the individual homeowners for road(s) bordering their property.  Most of this roadside grass is green right now.  But expect it to be dry and brown within a few weeks.

As a reminder, one of the most significant threats of dry roadside grass is potential contact with an automobile catalytic convertor, which typically operates at 1200 to 1600 degrees F and can immediately ignite any dry grass making contact.

The best mechanism for removing roadside grass at this stage of growth is weed-whacking.  If you own (or can borrow) a weed-whacker, now is the time to get the job done.  The Firewise team has one battery-powered Black & Decker tool available to loan, plus a number of neighbor volunteers who can help if you need it.  Contact the Firewise team at [email protected]

The target is to have all SAHA roads cleared of weeds to a depth of 6 feet from the pavement by July 31, 2022.


SAHA | Firewise

Feel free to email us if you have any questions [email protected]

Check the SAHA homeowners portal and calendar for updates.