On April 18th, 2023, the BOD voted to amend Section 6.3: Election and Term to include the following:

” In the event that more than 3 board members are leaving the Board in a given year due to term limits or personal decision, the existing Board may offer an extension of up to one (1) year to one (1) or more members of the existing Board. The purpose of any extension shall be to enable the transfer of knowledge to the newly elected members, ensuring the continuity of the Board’s operational duties from year to year. “

In accordance with Section 21.3: Effective Date, any amendment to these By-Laws that is adopted by the BOD shall be effective commencing at 12:01 am on the fifth day following notification.

This announcement shall serve as notification to the members, and will take effect on May 22nd, at 12:01 am.

The amended copy of the By-Laws is titled “2023 SAHA Bylaws-and-Articles-of-Incorporation” and can be viewed by logging into the SAHA website, and opening the following links:

Documents > SAHA Resources + Information > 2023 SAHA Bylaws-and-Articles-of-Incorporation

If you need assistance, please contact the Secretary at [email protected].